67. Competent authorities should analyse the institution's main activities, geographies and market position to identify, at the highest level of consolidation in the jurisdiction, the institution's:
a. major geographies;
b. major subsidiaries/branches;
c. major business lines; and d. major product lines.
68. For this purpose, competent authorities should consider a range of relevant metrics at the point of assessment and changes over time. These metrics should include:
a. contribution to overall revenues/costs;
b. share of assets;
c. share of TREA; and d. market position.
69. Competent authorities should use this preliminary assessment to:
a. determine materiality of business areas/lines: competent authorities should determine which geographies, subsidiaries/branches, business lines and product lines are the most material based on profit contribution (e.g. based on P&L), risk (e.g. based on TREA or other measures of risk) and/or organisational/statutory priorities (e.g. specific ob