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Version date: 1 January 2019 - onwards
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2.2.2 Viability scores (para. 38)

38. Competent authorities should ensure that the scoring of the business model, internal governance and institution-wide controls, capital adequacy and liquidity adequacy achieves the following objectives:

i. providing an indication of the risks to the institution’s viability stemming from the SREP elements assessed, given their individual assessments as set out in Titles 4, 5, 7 and 9;

ii. indicating the likelihood that supervisory measures may need to be taken to address concerns in accordance with the criteria specified in Title 10 [Irrespective of the score for capital adequacy , additional own funds requirements should be imposed as specified in Title 7 and Title 10.3];

iii.acting as a trigger for the decision on whether to apply early intervention measures in accordance with the EBA Guidelines on triggers for use of early intervention measures; and

iv. helping with the prioritisation and planning of supervisory resources and the setting of priorities in the supervisory examinat

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