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Version status: Not yet in force | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Version date: 23 October 2024 - onwards

131. Conditions attaching to Business to Consumer gambling licences and gambling licences for charitable or philanthropic purpose

A Business to Consumer gambling licence and a gambling licence for a charitable or philanthropic purpose is granted subject to -

(a) a licensee of the licence -

(i) having the financial capacity to provide the relevant gambling activity and to fund winnings, and

(ii) funding winnings from lawful activities,

(b) a licensee and, where applicable, each relevant officer and each beneficial owner, continuing to be a fit and proper person to hold the gambling licence concerned,

(c) a licensee providing a relevant gambling activity,

(d) the relevant payment and winnings for each relevant gambling activity not exceeding the maximum relevant payment and maximum winnings,

(e) where maximum relevant payment and maximum winnings apply in respect of a relevant gambling activity, the maximum relevant payment and maximum winnings in respect of the activity being displayed in a prominent location -