16. Goods to be free from charge and other encumbrance
(1) The trader shall ensure that -
(a) at the time when the ownership of goods is to be transferred under a sales contract, the goods are free from any charge or other encumbrance (other than a charge or other encumbrance which was disclosed to the consumer before the consumer entered into the sales contract), and
(b) the consumer shall enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by any person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed.
(2) Where a sales contract shows, or the circumstances at the time the contract was concluded imply, that the trader and the consumer intend that the trader transfer only the limited title to the goods that the trader or a person other than the trader (a "third person") may have -
(a) all charges or encumbrances known to the trader shall be disclosed by the trader to the consumer before the consumer enters into the sales contract, and