5.5 Identifiers for parties
Entities eligible for LEIs should be identified with a LEI pursuant to MiFIR Article 26(6) and Article 5 of, and Annex I to, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/590. In particular, these entities include partnerships, societies, associations and individuals acting in a business capacity [Individuals acting in a business capacity are considered as Investment Firms under certain conditions defined in Article 4(1)(1) of MiFID. The LEI ROC statement on eligibility for individuals acting in a business capacity should be consulted for further details (http://www.leiroc.org/publications/gls/lou_20150930-1.pdf).]. A branch should be identified with the LEI of its head office, even if it may be considered eligible for a LEI in some cases [According to the LEI ROC statement of 11 July 2016, certain branches might be considered as eligible for a LEI subject to the conditions set out in the statement. The LEI ROC statement should be consulted for further details (http://www.leiroc.org/publications/gls/roc_20160711-1.pdf).].
While executing Investment Firms should ensure that their LEI is renewed according to the terms of any of the accredited Local Operating Units of the Global Entity Identifier systems pursuant to Article 5(2) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/590, there is no requirement under Article 13(3) to ensure that a LEI for a client or a counterparty has been renewed.