5.32 Principles
Where a derivative instrument is on another derivative instrument, for example an option on a future on an equity, the ISIN code to be populated in the Underlying instrument code Field (Field 47) of the transaction report is the direct underlying instrument i.e. the future contract in this example rather than the ultimate underlying instrument (equity in this example). This would not apply to a derivative admitted to trading or traded on a Trading Venue since only the instrument identification code (Field 41) applies.
‘NOAP’ should be used in the Price Field where the price is not applicable in a given transaction (e.g. gifts). ‘PNDG’ applies when the price is not available but pending. The value ‘0’ is not to be used as a default value.
Financial instruments where the underlying is an index should be reported. This also covers the cases when the index is "composed of financial instruments traded on a trading venue". In this respect, it should be noted that the text "composed of financial instruments traded on a trading venue" in Article 26(2)(c) MiFIR should be read as referring to both an index and a basket.