5.17 Block 10: Branches
5.17.1 Transaction executed on behalf of a client
A Dutch Investment Firm, Investment Firm D, has a LEI of 13579135790246802468. It has branches in Paris (FR), London (GB) and Frankfurt (DE). It receives an order from a Spanish client, Client E, through its Trader 7, to buy a certain financial instrument. Client E has a LEI of 24242424242424242424. The client sends the order to the branch in Paris. The branch in Paris forwards the order to the trading desk in London. Trader 8 supervised by the London branch decides to execute the order on Trading Venue M. Trader 7 is a French national, Jean Bernard, with a date of birth of 4 May 1972. Trader 8 is a UK national with a UK national insurance number of QQ123456C. The membership at Trading Venue M is held by the branch in Frankfurt [In some jurisdictions it is possible and in some cases even the normal procedure for a (local) branch to hold the membership of the market.].
The transaction report is submitted to the AFM (NL).
How should Investment Firm D and the Client E report the branch fields assuming that Client E has transaction reporting obligations and is dealing on own account?