5.11 Block 4: Investment decision within the firm Field
5.11.1 Investment decision within the firm Field
As set out in Article 8(1) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/590, this field should always be populated when the Investment Firm is dealing on own account since it is putting its books at risk and is therefore deemed to be making an investment decision. The only exception to this is within the context of transmission where the Investment Firm is reporting as a receiving Investment Firm and dealing on own account in which case it should, in accordance with Field 57 populate the client side report with the information provided by the transmitting Investment Firm (see sections,, and 5.27.2).
Furthermore, pursuant to Article 8(1) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/590, this field should also be populated when the Investment Firm is making an investment decision for a client acting under a discretionary mandate - (see section 5.27.1).
Example 26
Investment Firm X buys a financial instrument.
Trader 1 is the person within the Investment Firm primarily responsible for the investment decision.