1. Financial support by a group entity in accordance with Article 19 may only be provided if all the following conditions are met:
(a) there is a reasonable prospect that the support provided significantly redresses the financial difficulties of the group entity receiving the support;
(b) the provision of financial support has the objective of preserving or restoring the financial stability of the group as a whole or any of the entities of the group and is in the interests of the group entity providing the support;
(c) the financial support is provided on terms, including consideration in accordance with Article 19(7);
(d) there is a reasonable prospect, on the basis of the information available to the management body of the group entity providing financial support at the time when the decision to grant financial support is taken, that the consideration for the support will be paid and, if the support is given in the form of a loan, that the loan will be reimbursed, by the group entity