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Article 4 General requirements on the use of credit assessments
1. Insurance or reinsurance undertakings may use an external credit assessment for the calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement in accordance with the standard formula only where it has been issued by an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI) or endorsed by an ECAI in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council [Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies (OJ L 302, 17.11.2009, p. 1).].
2. Insurance or reinsurance undertakings shall nominate one or more ECAI to be used for the calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement according to the standard formula.
3. The use of credit assessments shall be consistent and such assessments shall not be used selectively
4. When using credit assessments, insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall comply with all of the following requirements:
(a) where an insurance or reinsurance undertaking decides to use the credit assessments produced by a nominated ECAI for a certain class of items, it shall use those credit assessments consistently for all items belonging to that class;
(b) where an insurance or reinsurance undertaking decides to use the credit assessments produced by a nominated ECAI, it shall use them in a continuous and consistent way over time;