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Document Overview
Article 274
1. Any insurance or reinsurance undertaking which outsources or proposes to outsource functions or insurance or reinsurance activities to a service provider shall establish a written outsourcing policy which takes into account the impact of outsourcing on its business and the reporting and monitoring arrangements to be implemented in cases of outsourcing. The undertaking shall ensure that the terms and conditions of the outsourcing agreement are consistent with the undertaking's obligations as provided for in Article 49 of Directive 2009/138/EC.
2. Where the insurance or reinsurance undertaking and the service provider are members of the same group, the undertaking shall, when outsourcing critical or important operational functions or activities take into account the extent to which the undertaking controls the service provider or has the ability to influence its actions.
3. When choosing the service provider referred to in paragraph 1 for any critical or important operational functions or activities, the administrative, management or supervisory body shall ensure that:
(a) a detailed examination is performed to ensure that the potential service provider has the ability, the capacity and any authorisation required by law to deliver the required functions or activities satisfactorily, taking into account the undertaking's objectives and needs;
(b) the service provider has adopted all means to ensure that no explicit or potential conflict of interests jeopardize the fulfilment of the needs of the outsourcing undertaking;