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Document Overview
Article 242 Validation tools
1. Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall test the results and the key assumptions of the internal model at least annually against experience and other appropriate data to the extent that data are reasonably available. These tests shall be applied at the level of single outputs as well as at the level of aggregated results. Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall identify the reason for any significant divergence between assumptions and data and between results and data.
2. As part of the testing of the internal model results against experience insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall compare the results of the profit and loss attribution referred to in Article 123 of Directive 2009/138/EC with the risks modelled in the internal model.
3. The statistical process for validating the internal model, referred to in the second paragraph of Article 124 of Directive 2009/138/EC, shall be based on all of the following:
(a) current information, taking into account, where it is relevant and appropriate, developments in actuarial techniques and the generally accepted market practice;
(b) a detailed understanding of the economic and actuarial theory and the assumptions underlying the methods to calculate the probability distribution forecast of the internal model.