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Document Overview
Article 218 Subset of standard parameters that may be replaced by undertaking-specific parameters
1. The subset of standard parameters that may be replaced by undertaking-specific parameters as set out in Article 104(7) of Directive 2009/138/EC shall comprise the following parameters:
(a) in the non-life premium and reserve risk sub-module, for each segment set out in Annex II of this Regulation:
(i) the standard deviation for non-life premium risk referred to in Article 117(2)(a) of this Regulation;
(ii) the standard deviation for non-life gross premium risk referred to in Article 117(3) of this Regulation;
(iii) the adjustment factor for non-proportional reinsurance referred to in Article 117(3) of this Regulation, provided that there is a recognisable excess of loss reinsurance contract or a recognisable stop loss reinsurance contract for that segment as set out in paragraph 2 of this Article;
(iv) the standard deviation for non-life reserve risk referred to in Article 117(2)(b) of this Regulation;