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Article 193 Loss-given-default for pool exposures of type A
1. For pool exposures of type A which the undertaking considers as separate single name exposures in accordance with Article 190(2), where members are each only liable up to their respective portion of the obligation covered by the pooling arrangement, the loss-given-default shall be calculated in accordance with Article 192.
For pool exposures of type A which the undertaking considers as separate single name exposures in accordance with Article 190(2), where members are each liable up to the full amount of the obligation covered by the pooling arrangement, the loss-given-default calculated in accordance with Article 192 shall be multiplied by the risk-share factor, calculated as follows:
risk-share_factor = e - 0,15(min(SR,196%) - 1)
(b) i denotes all pool members falling within the scope defined in Article 2 of Directive 2009/138/EC and j denotes all pool members excluded from the scope of Article 2 of that Directive;