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Article 329 Treatment of specific related undertakings
1. Without prejudice to Article 328 and unless the book value of the relevant related undertaking has been deducted from the own funds eligible for the group solvency pursuant to Article 229 of Directive 2009/138/EC, the calculation of the group solvency shall include all of the following:
(a) the capital requirements for related undertakings which are credit institutions, investment firms or financial institutions and the own fund items of those undertakings calculated according to the relevant sectoral rules referred to in Article 2(7) of Directive 2002/87/EC;
(b) the capital requirements for related undertakings which are institutions for occupational retirement provision and the own funds items of those undertakings calculated according to Articles 17 to 17c of Directive 2003/41/EC;
(c) the capital requirements for related undertakings which are UCITS management companies calculated in accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of Directive 2009/65/EC and the own funds of those undertakings calculated in accordance with point 1 of Article 2(1) of that Directive;