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Article 41 General provisions
1. The amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles shall be calculated consistently with the boundaries of the insurance or reinsurance contracts to which those amounts relate.
2. The amounts recoverable from special purpose vehicles, the amounts recoverable from finite reinsurance contracts as referred to in Article 210 of Directive 2009/138/EC and the amounts recoverable from other reinsurance contracts shall each be calculated separately. The amounts recoverable from a special purpose vehicle shall not exceed the aggregate maximum risk exposure of that special purpose vehicle to the insurance or reinsurance undertaking.
3. For the purpose of calculating the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles, cash flows shall only include payments in relation to compensation of insurance events and unsettled insurance claims. Payments in relation to other events or settled insurance claims shall be accounted for outside the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles and other elements of the technical provisions. Where a deposit has been made for the cash flows, the amounts recoverable shall be adjusted accordingly to avoid a double counting of the assets and liabilities relating to the deposit.
4. The amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles for non-life insurance obligations shall be calculated separately for premium provisions and provisions for claims outstanding in the following manner: