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Article 325 Supervisory reporting
1. The supervisory authorities in the Member State in which the special purpose vehicle is established may request such information from the special purpose vehicle as is necessary in order to supervise the special purpose vehicle.
2. Special purpose vehicles shall report all of the following information to the supervisory authorities of the Member State in which the special purpose vehicle is established:
(a) the value of the assets of the special purpose vehicle valued in accordance with Article 75 of Directive 2009/138/EC distinguished by material class and a description of the basis, methods and assumptions used for their valuation;
(b) the aggregate maximum risk exposure of the special purpose vehicle and a description of the basis, methods and assumptions used for the determination of the aggregate maximum risk exposure;
(c) conflicts of interest between the special purpose vehicle, the insurance or reinsurance undertakings and the providers of debt or finance;
(d) significant transactions entered into by the special purpose vehicle during the last reporting period.
3. Special purpose vehicles shall submit the report referred to in paragraph 2 at least annually.
4. Special purpose vehicles shall submit the report referred to in paragraph 2: