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Version status: In force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 January 2016 - onwards
Version 3 of 3

Regulation 84 Calculation of technical provisions

(1) The value of technical provisions shall be equal to the sum of a best estimate as set out in paragraphs (2) to (5) and a risk margin as set out in paragraph (6).

(2) The best estimate shall correspond to the probability-weighted average of future cash flows, taking account of the time value of money (expected present value of future cash flows), using the relevant risk-free interest rate term structure.

(3) The calculation of the best estimate shall be based upon up-to-date and credible information and realistic assumptions and be performed using adequate, applicable and relevant actuarial and statistical methods.

(4) The cash-flow projection used in the calculation of the best estimate shall take account of all the cash in-flows and out-flows required to settle the insurance and reinsurance obligations over their lifetime.

(5) The best estimate shall be calculated gross, without deduction of the amounts recoverable from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles which shall be calculated separately, in accordance with Regulation 94.

(6) The risk margin shall be such as to ensure that the value of the technical provisions is equivalent to the amount that an insurance undertaking or reinsurance undertaking would be expected to require in order to take over and meet the insurance and reinsurance obligations.