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Version status: In force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 January 2016 - onwards
Version 3 of 3

Regulation 206 Management of claims

(1) A legal expenses insurance undertaking shall adopt at least one of the methods for the management of claims set out in paragraphs (3), (4) and (5).

(2) Whichever solution is adopted, the interest of persons having legal expenses cover shall be regarded as safeguarded in an equivalent manner.

(3) The legal expenses insurance undertaking shall ensure that no member of the staff who is concerned with the management of legal expenses claims, or with legal advice in respect of their management, pursues at the same time a similar activity -

(a) where the undertaking carries on one or more other classes of insurance in relation to another class carried on by it, or

(b) in another undertaking which has financial, commercial or administrative links with the legal expenses insurance undertaking and carries on one or more of the other classes of insurance in Part 1 of Schedule 1.

(4) The legal expenses insurance undertaking shall entrust the management of claims in respect of legal expenses insurance to an undertaking having separate legal personality which shall be mentioned in the separate contract or separate section referred to in Regulation 205 and -