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Version status: In force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 1 October 1997 - onwards
Version 2 of 2

151. Further powers of the Court.

(1) Where it appears to the Court, on the application of the examiner, that, having regard to the matters referred to in subsection (2), it is just and equitable to do so, it may make an order that all or any of the functions which are vested in or exercisable by the directors (whether by virtue of the rules of the credit union or by law or otherwise) shall be performable or exercisable only by the examiner.

(2) The matters to which the Court is to have regard for the purpose of subsection (1) are -

(a) that the affairs of the credit union are being conducted, or are likely to be conducted, in a manner which is calculated or likely to prejudice the interests of the credit union or of its members or of its creditors as a whole; or

(b) that it is expedient, for the purpose of preserving the assets of the credit union or of safeguarding the interests of the credit union or of its members or of its creditors as a whole, that the carrying on of the business of the credit union by, or the exercise of the powers of, its directors should be curtailed or regulated in any particular respect; or

(c) that the credit union, or its directors, have resolved that an order under subsection (1) should be sought; or