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Article 36 Supervisory review process
1. Member States shall ensure that the supervisory authorities review and evaluate the strategies, processes and reporting procedures which are established by the insurance and reinsurance undertakings to comply with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive.
That review and evaluation shall comprise the assessment of the qualitative requirements relating to the system of governance, the assessment of the risks which the undertakings concerned face or may face and the assessment of the ability of those undertakings to assess those risks taking into account the environment in which the undertakings are operating.
2. The supervisory authorities shall in particular review and evaluate compliance with the following:
(a) the system of governance, including the own-risk and solvency assessment, as set out in Chapter IV, Section 2;
(b) the technical provisions as set out in Chapter VI, Section 2;
(c) the capital requirements as set out in Chapter VI, Sections 4 and 5;
(d) the investment rules as set out in Chapter VI, Section 6;
(e) the quality and quantity of own funds as set out in Chapter VI, Section 3;