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Version status: Amended | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 23 May 2014 - onwards
Version 3 of 3

Article 37 Capital add-on

DRAFT Text amended Article 1 Amendments to Directive 2009/138/EC of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/138/EC as regards proportionality, quality of supervision, reporting, long-term guarantee measures, macro-prudential tools, sustainability risks, group and cross-border supervision (COM(2021) 581 final / 2021/0295 (COD)) (updated 18 June 2024 with Information Note - Proposals under the ordinary legislative procedure expected to undergo the Corrigendum Procedure in the European Parliament (part I))

1. Following the supervisory review process supervisory authorities may in exceptional circumstances set a capital add-on for an insurance or reinsurance undertaking by a decision stating the reasons. That possibility shall exist only in the following cases:

(a) the supervisory authority concludes that the risk profile of the insurance or reinsurance undertaking deviates significantly from the assumptions underlying the Solvency Capital Requirement, as calculated using the standard formula in accordance with Chapter VI, Section 4, Subsection 2 and:

(i) the requirement to use an internal model under Article 119 is inappropriate or has been ineffective; or

(ii) while a partial or full internal model is being developed in accordance with Article 119;