For the purposes of Part Three, Title II, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) "exposure" means an asset or off-balance sheet item;
(2) "loss" means economic loss, including material discount effects, and material direct and indirect costs associated with collecting on the instrument;
(3) "expected loss" or "EL" means the ratio, related to a single facility, of the amount expected to be lost on an exposure from any of the following: (a) a potential default of an obligor over a one-year period to the amount outstanding at default; (b) a potential dilution event over a one-year period to the amount outstanding at the date of occurrence of the dilution event.
(4) "credit obligation" means any obligation arising from a credit contract, including principal, accrued interest and fees, owed by an obligor;
(5) "credit exposure" means any on- or off -balance-sheet item, that results, or may result, in a credit obligation;
(6) "facility" or "credit facility" means a credit exposure