1. The methodology used by the institution for assigning exposures to different exposure classes shall be appropriate and consistent over time.
2. Each exposure shall be assigned to one of the following exposure classes:
(a) exposures to central governments and central banks;
(b) exposures to institutions;
(f) items representing securitisation positions;
(g) other non credit-obligation assets.
3. The following exposures shall be assigned to the class laid down in point (a) of paragraph 2:
(a) exposures to regional governments, local authorities or public sector entities which are treated as exposures to central governments under Articles 115 and 116;
(b) exposures to multilateral development banks referred to in Article 117(2);
(c) exposures to International Organisations which attract a risk weight of 0 % under Article 118.
4. The following exposures shall be assigned to the class laid down in point (b) of paragr